Specialist Treatments (Performed by Roz & Nikki Tranfield)

Consultation and patch test FREE - £0.00.

Thread Vein Removal

Thread Vein Removal

Thread vein removal techniques can successfully reduce the appearance of thread veins on the face. If thread veins affect the way you look and feel, discover which one of our three treatments could help to restore your skin, and your confidence. Thread veins are extremely common in men and women and can make some people feel very selfconscious. They are damaged veins and broken capillaries just below the skin. As you age, your skin loses collagen and becomes thinner, so when veins expand they become visible through your skin. They are often caused by long-term sun exposure, pregnancy, rosacea, alcohol, smoking and standing for long periods.

Treatment Duration Price
Thread Vein Removal 15 mins £50.00
Thread Vein Removal 30 mins £80.00


Skin Tag Removal

Skin Tag Removal 10 mins £60.00
Skin Tag Removal 20 mins £85.00
Skin Tag Removal 30 mins £110.00


Milia Removal (Whiteheads)

Milia Removal (Whiteheads) 10 mins £40.00



Electrolysis 10 mins £20.00
Electrolysis 20 mins £30.00


A 24 hour notice of cancellation would be very much appreciated for all appointments. For 2 hour appointments or more a non refundable deposit is required.